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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Talking to computers

I am talking to the computer and it is typing for me.  It is actually amazing.  I just talked into a microphone and it typed what I said.  I’ve been having problems with arm pain.  I haven’t figured out exactly what the problem is.  However, using the computer aggrevates it the most.  By the time I got back from the reunion my arms felt great.  I spent 40 minutes posting something on craig’s list for Steve four days ago and my arm is still recovering.  It has been very frustrating.  I had one doctor tell me that I was middle aged and my body is going to start having problems.  He told me 35 and older is middle aged.  I haven’t seen a hand doctor but I’ve already spent enough money going to doctors and getting stupid answers.  Maybe I'll go in a few months.  In the meantime I’m trying to go easy with my arm and learning to talk to this stupid computer.

The girls are at their dad’s house which today is in Idaho.  In a few days it will be in Utah.  I miss them tremendously and am quite pathetic.  My entire life is wrapped up in the kids and is very empty without them.  I am trying to enjoy myself but for some reason it is difficult.  I spend a lot of time watching TV.  I’ve been teaching myself the guitar and playing for a few minutes every hour or so.  It’s been going better than it ever has before.  I’ve tried to pick up the guitar many times and failed each time.  I’m hoping my arm can handle the strumming.  I’m starting clarinet lessons to night with a kid in my ward.  He’s obsessed with the clarinet and is very excited about teaching his first student –me.  I hope I don’t let him down.  When I was at ISU, the clarinet was the hardest instrument for me to learn.  I’m hoping it goes better this time.  I’m starting a home school band this fall in our co-op.  I'm really excited and hope people sign up.  Another mom who is a flute player will assist me.   With an expert flute player I think I will be able to handle it since I am taking clarinet lessons.  Brass is pretty easy to teach at least, not necessarily to play well, but my skills should be good enough.  Steve will help me with the percussion.

Talking to the computer is exhausting.  I guess the computer will get better at recognizing my commands.  I certainly hope so.  I almost feel like I need a nap.  So far it is so unnatural I hope my sentences are coherent.
I'll try again later.  I really want to write some things we did this year for a record of our family and our home school.