Onto brighter subjects. Gracie is 7 years old now. I am very confused at where the seven years went, how she hasn't died of starvation (since she doesn't generally eat, but on rare occasions) and very terrified at how fast the next 7 years will go! We celebrated at Disneyland.
The birthday girl. She was delightful all day. Of course, she got to pick everything we did, so it was pretty easy to be delightful, but nevertheless, it was a great day. She wanted the earliest reservation we could get at Minnie's breakfast so we were there at 7:10 AM, and then she wanted to stay for Fantasmic, so we didn't leave until 10:00 PM. It was a long day, even for me the Disney die hard. I told Aliese and Anna, I'm not going to renew our passes in August. I haven't told Gracie yet. I'm ready try out some of the other wonderful things in LA. Aliese and Anna were surprisingly fine about it. I never thought the magic would wear off, but it has. So a break will be good, and then when we can't live without it another day, I'll get passes again :)
We had a little party so to speak. We hosted mutual for all the YW. The YW president told me a few days before that they would be decorating cakes. I asked her who was teaching them, and she said she didn't have much of a plan. So I volunteered to teach them at my apartment. It was super fun. Our YW is small, but it was still very cozy. This was Aliese's cake.
Pretty impressive hugh?
I'm trying some new things to save money that I'm hoping will continue to work and maybe even work better.
The first is homemade laundry soap. It coast me about $7 to get started. The first batch will last me several months. Each time I make it I will need to buy another bar of soap which is a dollar. I have enough of the other ingredients to make many more batches. So maybe 50 cents a batch, less than 25 cents a month. Not bad. Basically free. I'm really excited about it. Been using it for a few weeks, and so far so good. I'm still using Shout for pre-treating stains. However, as my children get older, we are using less and less of it. And since we're on the subject of laundry I made a big change in our household this week. An announcement in the same line as deciding to be a vegetarian, or getting rid of your TV. Drastic. I divided up all of my laundry dividers among my family members, and everyone, including Steve and Gracie is in charge of their own laundry. Everytime I think about it I sigh, feel peace and grin. Few things have made me this happy in my life. The next time someone doesn't have clean underwear, it won't be my fault. My response will be, "Bummer, I hate it when I don't have clean underwear." I can hardly wait for the first conversation when I get to say that.
So do you want my recipe for homemade laundry soap. Here is the link-laundry soap recipe. The only change I made is that I used Zote soap from the 99cent store, because I couldn't find Fels-Naptha. Zote soap is also used for laundry. I bought the other two ingredients at Wal-Mart in the laundry aisle. The whole project took me about 15 minutes.
The next weirdo thing I'm doing is going "poo free". Meaning shampoo free. Now before you get totally grossed out, keep reading. There is a whole movement out there of "poo free" people that aren't hippies, and don't live in Eugene. Aliese prefers to say "homemade shampoo", I think "poo free" is far more fun. We laughed over the term for so long I can't possibly stop using it. Anyway...the recipe is...
Homemade Shampoo
1 c water
1 T baking soda
Put in a squeeze bottle or whatever you want. Shake before each use. Wet hair, add a little at a time all over scalp. Massage scalp for 2 minutes rinse.
Homemade Conditioner
1 c water
1 T apple cider vinegar
Pour a little onto the ends of your hair, rinse.
I haven't used shampoo since Wednesday. It's Sunday now. I normall have very greasy hair. If I skip a day everyone knows it. I have used my new stuff twice now. Aliese has used it once. My hair looks great, very non greasy and actually a little fluffier. When I brushed it after my shower, I started at the bottom and worked my way up, and surprisingly it was easy and not tangled. Supposedly after a few months of this my hair will have more body, be shinier, I'll have no dandruff, the list goes on. I'm pretty excited about it. I haven't figured out the cost yet, because I didn't need to buy anything, but they sell baking soda at costco. Hopefully they sell apple cider vinegar too. Seriously though, we spend so much money on shampoo. Everyone but Steve has very long hair, probably 6-8 feet worth.
And even though I am extremely non liberal politically, contrary to popular belief among liberals towards conservatives, I do care about the planet. I love the fact that I will be throwing away a little less than before. Between shampoo, conditioner, and laundry bottles, my family has contributed more than our fair share of waste. And even though I eat sugar and buy food with pesticides, in a small way, we are now using less chemicals in our home. Bottom line, I just think I'm really cool.
Conference was awesome wasn't it? We're such lucky ducks. I watched the whole thing, and for the first time in my life, didn't fall asleep, or even fight sleep. My Aliese and Anna watched all 4 sessions. I was so impressed with them. Gracie tried very hard, but failed miserably. She's only 7 after all. My favorite was probably Elder Holland, closely followed by many others. They were all awesome. I'm so grateful we have a living prophet to guide us and teach us. I've always known Pres. Monson is a true prophet but I know it more now than I did 2 days ago.